Well said
What you had to say was VERY true. I feel that all movie fall into distinct movie categories; free drawn, sprite, clock, lock, and import movies. Everyone has their own bias to the specific category but they all take hard work in their own respect. Your hard work involves you as the physical focus point with your skating moves and then you import them and people should see and understand the hard work put into the creation of it. I happen to be a sprite animator so I do understand to an extent your frustration of your flash being judged without an consideration for the work and time involved and the point that you are trying to get across. Hell to be honest I personally don’t like imported movies whether it be Knox, skating, claymation… however, I still think they should be watched and judged on the same scale as everyone else. So for your attempt to bring this message across I give you a high thumbs up for your work because your flash really was "the truth".