
183 Movie Reviews

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You're really startign to loose it for me

I loved the first one... (creeped out but loved it), I like the second one, didn't mind the third, didn't really care for the fourth, and now... I think i've just lost my taste for your work Your animation is good, your voice actors are good, the tone of being crepy was good, but now it seems like it is all alittle bit too random. Is this ever going to go somewhere or will it be episode after episode of soft creeky voices with a pointless ending? Good luck.


You guys are GREAT animators, and great with the voices, but you have overkilled this subject! I REALLY enjoyed all the other ones. I mean I LOVED them! But now... it felt like you guys were forcing it. i'm sure you guys have other projects that are in the works and they are going to be great! But this one just didn't do a thing for me. Well anyway, great job again on the animation and sounds, but please, lets leave lord of the rings alone for now.

I liked it but...

Your animation is top knotch! Really smooth! And I loved the random killing, but the overall "story" or wasnt really there. The appeal was in the random death scenes and one-liners. But that shouldn't be what makes your flash. Good job non the less!:) 4/5

Skruggs responds:

You liked the random killings... But you didnt like the story. Is that right?

I know the story is a bit lacking, but compared to my past stuff I would say its a major leap fowards.


Well this one is touch cause on an overall base tech it wasn't too hot cause of Superyoshi's flash... which was... interesting... However on the individual bae it was great!...

You get the award from me as havign the best flash all around, best sound effects (sorry guys I know you all got your sound effects from him:-p) and best action sequence. To be honest I kinda didnt really care about the quick story in the beginign and I was like, fuck this lets get to the action:-p I loved how you had the the scene move around and the general movement of all the chars. The only thing I didn't really like was the non-sprite parts of the flash, it jsut seemed out of place but it didnt take too much away from the overall flash... 9.5-10/10

Second thought was Square mainly cause of the huge gape of improvement you've made from the first TT to this one. Igot to be honest, the first one wasn't all that super, but this time it looks liek a totally different person made it. Great timing, decent dialogue (not great but not bad) The one thing I didn't really like with yours was the ending. You use a totally nw background you have everythign set up for a kick ass final fight and then you basically leave it as... oops i slipped:-p... 8.5-9/10

Gamma third in my book, but dont think thats a bad thing. Your flahs was very good but the text font was WAY too small and i jsut didnt like it (in both this one and the one you did on your own) the flash was funny but I was too dizzy from getting an inch away from my screen to read it to enjoy the humor. Also the major thing which killed it was that it wasn't really an "epic" battle. It looked more liek a goomba assault then an actual battle. But still I liked it! 8-8.5/10

Super Yoshi... wtf? I say this cause I've watched your other flashes and this was no where near as good as your past work. You need to resize (without streching I say that cause I've made that mistake) and have actual bullets come out. Also the dialogue... not so hot. It looked liek there was more effort in the credits then your flash. But I don't want ot totally bash it cause it was better then some other sprite movies out there. 4.5-5/10

All in all guys great job! Now lets go get that daily award!!!:-D

BlackDevilX responds:

Thanx alot kaos! (no effort went into the credits as i did it in 5 mins) But this was doing great!!! Untill.....Well you know. I hope we get an award goin up. Lets see your half of this tournament man! Im really lookin foward to see what your team has too offer! Anyways Thanx for the review! Glad you enjoyed it. Btw Lol@ "fuck this lets get to the action"

Well, looks to me...

Like someones starting to get good at flash:-p This is def your best flash ever! Keep up the great work and i'm glad you learned how to motion tween:-D

Well I guess I should...

Also review it considerign everyone else it:-p. Though I don't think things went half as well as it could have it still worked out all in all:) YAY its in the blue! Anyway...

Great job on putting stuff together! Though you had alot of problems you delt with them very well!

You need sound effects! That would make the flash so much better. Also you have to make sure your flashes go somewhere, or build up to somthing. I'm not totally sure what the build up was for your flash. Your sprites were clean but now you have to make them come to life.

I liked iyours but i'm not totaly sure how much I liked how it was all GIANT goombas:-p Still all in all I liked it overall.

Square Hard
Your action it very clean and your choice in music was great, we have to get you bette rsound effects though. Also you make want to try mixing up your backgrounds alittle bit every so often, or try different "camera" angles. (I loved the rainign Goombas)

Well you semi got screwed but at the same time i guess you screwed yourself:-p Be more neat with your work so you dont drive Shin crazy!

With that said, I don't think we should have moved on without Shin's work, but since we had to I think we should have prob went about it a different way, nevertheless the finished project isn't bad (though there are still some glitches:-p) and I think we have a very nice base to start with for future time trails!


Nice start!

if this was your first you had a GREAT first showing!:-p This was veyr funny! Also I originaly thought you messed up by havign the wrong bit mario at first but then it all made snese at the end:-p Very funny! Great job... TIME TRAIL! Do it now!:-D

Yoshi-1up responds:

We should make a movie where we make fun of teh n00bs that use the wrong Mario sprites LOL. Like have Mario standing in 16 bit THEN, on the next scene, its 8 bit Mario walking LOL.

Anywayssssssssssssssssss Thanks for your review! ^___^


PS: (I think I just gave out a great idea :( XD lol)

I love it!

Yoshi! Your effects and style are awesome! And the fact that its only 301.3Kb!!?!? WTF! Good job on the compression.. You have ot finish your part for the Sprite TT! You have to be in it! it neds your style!! Oh and I'm trying to get the deadline pushed back for ya so we can have you in there. You have to show me how you get some of those effects. Also how long did it take you to lip sink Luigie with the song? Great job I look forward to the future ones!

Yoshi-1up responds:

Hey! Thanks man! :D and d00d... I have no idea how its 301.3 kb LOL I guess it's the way I make my movies on macromedia mx 2004 :o. I'm working on teh movie as I type :D (multi-talented ;)) lol XD jk. And it took me 15 min to make the mouth sprites, and about an hour on puting it on the movie!

Theres another:-p

Hey Rigo, another good one I see. I wasn't into this one as much as the other ones but I still liked it. Thought your fight scenes were great! Though I have mixed emotions about the use...well to keep from spoiling... of the mystery man you had at the end. I think you could have used Protoman alittle more in the fight with Zero, and I liked the camp fire scene (though robots don't need fire its still a nice effect:-p) with the semi Mega Proto fight. Anyway good job as usual, though I think I liked the first one alittle better. I look forward to ep3...by the way, any idea on when we all might be seeing it?:-p


Kaos @Kaosboy85

Age 39, Male


Joined on 11/2/03

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