Well I guess I should...
Also review it considerign everyone else it:-p. Though I don't think things went half as well as it could have it still worked out all in all:) YAY its in the blue! Anyway...
Great job on putting stuff together! Though you had alot of problems you delt with them very well!
You need sound effects! That would make the flash so much better. Also you have to make sure your flashes go somewhere, or build up to somthing. I'm not totally sure what the build up was for your flash. Your sprites were clean but now you have to make them come to life.
I liked iyours but i'm not totaly sure how much I liked how it was all GIANT goombas:-p Still all in all I liked it overall.
Square Hard
Your action it very clean and your choice in music was great, we have to get you bette rsound effects though. Also you make want to try mixing up your backgrounds alittle bit every so often, or try different "camera" angles. (I loved the rainign Goombas)
Well you semi got screwed but at the same time i guess you screwed yourself:-p Be more neat with your work so you dont drive Shin crazy!
With that said, I don't think we should have moved on without Shin's work, but since we had to I think we should have prob went about it a different way, nevertheless the finished project isn't bad (though there are still some glitches:-p) and I think we have a very nice base to start with for future time trails!